Easily Copy an Excel Sheet from One Workbook to Another

You’ve spent countless hours creating an amazing spreadsheet in Excel, and now you want to copy that spreadsheet from one workbook to another so you can use it on other projects or share it with co-workers. The problem is that you don’t want to risk losing any of the formatting or formulas that you created in the spreadsheet, but copying and pasting your data into another spreadsheet doesn’t seem like an ideal solution. Luckily, there’s a simple way to copy an Excel sheet from one workbook to another without losing any of the formatting or formulas in your spreadsheet!
Open the source file you want to copy
Click the sheet tab of the worksheet you want to copy. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy. Open the destination workbook where you want to paste the worksheet. Click the worksheet tab where you want to paste the copied worksheet. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Paste. Look for a small blue box with white arrows around it that should appear over the area of your screen where you can drop the cells. Drag this box over so that it’s just below the bottom-right corner of your selected cell range and then release your mouse button.
If you want to be able to make changes to both copies, select both ranges by holding down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) and dragging one selection box over another before clicking Paste; if not, just select one range as usual. You may have to rearrange the rows and columns afterward. To avoid accidental pasting, turn off autofilter on any column whose data is outside the target area before pasting. Now close both files and save them!
Open the destination file you want the source data copied into
To copy an Excel sheet from one workbook to another, first open the destination file. Next, click on the tab of the sheet you want to copy. Then, right-click and select Move or Copy. Choose the workbook you want to copy the sheet into and check the box that says Create a copy. Click OK and the sheet will be copied into the other workbook. You can now delete the original source file, as it is no longer needed. You can also edit and update this new spreadsheet just like any other Excel document.
Select cell A1 in source file and drag across all rows
To copy an entire sheet from one workbook to another, follow these simple steps:
- Open both the workbook containing the sheet you want to copy, and the destination workbook.
- Select cell A1 in the source file and drag across all rows.
- Right-click and select Copy.
- Navigate to the destination workbook and select cell A1.
- Right-click and select Paste.
In your destination spreadsheet, select cell A1, then paste
Are you looking to quickly copy an entire sheet from one workbook to another? It’s easy to do with a few simple steps. First, select the cell in your destination spreadsheet where you want the pasted cells to appear. Next, press Ctrl+A (hold down the Control key and then press A) to select all of the cells in your destination spreadsheet and choose Edit > Copy (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C). Now, open up your source workbook and select the worksheet that contains the cells you want to copy.
That’s it!
Need to copy an entire sheet from one workbook to another, including formatting and formulas? It’s easy! Just follow these steps:
- Open both the workbook containing the sheet you want to copy, and the workbook you want to copy it to.
- Select the sheet you want to copy.
- Right-click on the tab of the selected sheet and select Move or Copy.
- Drag the mouse cursor over to the new workbook and release.
- Click Yes in the dialog box that appears if you are sure this is what you want to do; click No if not.
- Save changes in all open files when prompted, then click OK in any other prompts that appear until they stop appearing.